Dive deep into culture, history and gastronomy with an unforgettable city game or event & guide your team to victory! Through exciting taste tests and battles of wits culminating in a well-earned prize, your team will forge new bonds and get to see each other in a whole new light. You’ll learn about local culture and indulge your taste buds during the perfect city games for your team.

­­­­­Challenge your team anywhere

You can choose city games & events in any Belgian city. Explore our historical treasures and bathe in our rich & versatile culinary history.

Are you looking for a specific city instead of an event?
Discover a plethora of city games & other events sorted by location.

Looking for city events & games fit to size?
Contact Discover Belgium for a tailor-made design.  

Unique culinary city games – all over Belgium

Tasty city games (&Escape room) - all over Belgium

Urban Escape Games - all over Belgium


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